Sunday, April 18, 2010

Comfort the Dying!

Hey, I was just thumbing through my Volvo 1800E Instruction Booklet this weekend, and came across this handy pull-out that seems to be a relic from the cold war. It contains instructions on what to do in case of a nuclear attack. Step 7. is kinda vague - "Comfort the Dying", but it doesn't tell you what to say. Some pointers would be helpful, like "the bad news is if you survive this, you'll be a radioactive mutant ... but hey! The good news is you're most likely going to die within the minute - so it's all good! Does anyone else have this pull-out, or do I just have the special edition? Was this part of the Volvo safety sales pitch?

Volvo 1800E Instruction Book: Volvo 1800E Instruction Book In Case of Nuclear Attack: In Case of Nuclear Attack

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