Friday, November 6, 2009

Remember This Guy?

Mr. Bizarro really did a number in my garage this week. He snuck into the garage when I came home from work late last night and spent the night there. This morning, I was greeted by the stench of his greatest hits that he left me - a big pile of crap, cat vomit, and a couple puddles of cat pee just for color. Good lord! The stench was unbearable! The burning and watering of the eyes was worse. Each time I stepped into the garage, I'd start to feel nauseous, followed by sweaty palms and an elevated heart rate. A couple of seconds later, my eyes would begin to bleed and shortness of breath would follow. That's about all I could endure before I start blacking out in the garage. Thanks Mr. B! I guess I'll be trading in some of the quality time with the Volvo this weekend to do damage control. There's just no way that cat pee is coming off the concrete floor once its had a night to marinade! Not cool, Mr. B! Not cool!

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