The spark plugs are still not here, so I couldn't mess with the engine this weekend. The hood silencer pads finally got some attention instead. Weeks ago, one of the pieces had fallen off after losing its adhesiveness. While reattaching the piece with a fresh application of adhesive seemed like a simple enough task, the challenge was how to effectively "clamp" on the piece with adequate amount of pressure during the curing process. My mind toyed with removing the entire hood, placing it on a flat surface and applying something heavy on the hood pad while it cured - too complicated! Another possible solution was to fabricate some sort of cross-brace with nylon straps while leaving the hood in place - problem is although the staps might hold the hood pad in place, it might not form equal pressure on all areas of the pad. After a 10 minute stare-down with the thing, I said to myself in frustration - "C'mon man! I make a living solving problems in the corporate world, this can't be that complicated! What would McGyver do with the stuff he has at hand in the house?" So here's the McGyver solution: 1 pillow, 1 trash bag, and a spray can of 3M's Super Trim Adhesive. The adhesive has to be rated for high temperatures of course, and the only thing available in all the neighborhood auto supply stores was this expensive massive can of the 3M stuff that I had to fork out 20 clams for!!! Twenty bucks, when all I needed was a couple of squirts! Hey, 3M guys - if you're listening ...put the same stuff in smaller cans and sell them for $5.
Detached Hood Silencer Pad:
| 3M High Temp Adhesive:
Anyways, here's what I did: Place the pillow in the trash bag to protect it from engine dirt and grease. Place the pillow in the engine bay on top of everything (engine, radiator, hoses, etc.). Apply the adhesive onto the hood pad and hold it in place for a minute or two until it forms a temporary bond. And for the last step ... just close the hood. The pillow will wrap around the hood pad, and that along with the weight of the hood will form enough pressure to "clamp" it in place during the curing process. Beats standing around for an hour holding it in place by hand ... wife didn't even notice her pillow was missing!
Pillow in Trash Bag:
| Reattached Hood Silencer Pad:
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